Report Highlights. Public education spending in the United States falls short of global benchmarks and lags behind economic growth; K-12 schools spend $857.2 billion total ($17,277 per pupil) annually.
- Federal, state, and local governments provide $878.2 billion or $17,700 per pupil to fund K-12 public education.
- The difference between spending and funding is $21.0 billion or $423 per pupil.
- The federal government provides 13.6% of funding for public K-12 education.
- Public postsecondary schools spend an average of $30,228 per pupil.
Jump to a state: AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | PR | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY
Related research includes Number of Public Schools in the US | K-12 Enrollment and Student Population | Average Cost of Private School | Average Cost of College | Average Cost of Community College
Public Education Spending Statistics
Public education spending at the national level services 49.6 million K-12 students and 13.5 million postsecondary students. It is normal for spending totals to undercut public funding totals to a degree.
- K-12 public schools spend $17,277 per pupil.
- Nationwide public K-12 expenditures total $857.2 billion.
- Total public expenditures on education are equivalent to 3.67% of taxpayer income.
- K-12 schools nationwide receive $119.1 billion total or $2,400 per pupil from the federal government.
- States contribute a total of $383.9 billion to K-12 public education or $7,738 per student.
- Local governments contribute $375.2 billion total or $7,562 per student.
- Federal public education funding is equivalent to 0.51% of total taxpayer income.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.25%.
- Funding for K-12 education totals $878.2 billion or $17,700 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $21.0 billion, or $423 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $30,227 per pupil, 27.1% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,648 per pupil, up 15.5% year-over-year (YoY).
- States and local governments contribute a combined $8,370 per pupil(#1).
- Tuition accounts for 16.3% of all funding.
- 3.92% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- 2-year public institutions spend 14.7% of what 4-year public colleges spend annually.
U.S. and World Education Spending
In the United States, education spending falls short of benchmarks set by international organizations such as UNESCO, of which the U.S. is a member. The nation puts 12.7% of public funding toward education, well below the international standard 15.00%.
- Schools in the United States spend an average of $20,387 per pupil, which is the 3rd -highest amount per pupil (after adjusting to local currency values) among the 40 other developed nations in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
- In terms of a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP), the United States ranks 5th among OECD members in spending on elementary education.
- The United States does not meet UNESCO’s benchmark of a 15.00% share of total public expenditure on education.
- In terms of early childhood education, the United States is one of seven (8) countries that do not report any educational spending.
- Luxembourg spends US $30,115 per pupil, which is more than any of the other OECD nations spend on education.
- Oceania nations, such as Australia and Marshall Islands, spend the highest amount on education in terms of a percentage of GDP.
- At 5.59%, the United States spends a larger percentage of its GDP on education than several other North American and European nations, which average 4.61% of GDP in educational spending.
Country | Elementary Schools | Secondary Schools |
Luxembourg | $25,584 | $29,988 |
Korea | $14,873 | $19,360 |
Slovenia | $12,170 | $11,964 |
France | $10,554 | $15,463 |
Spain | $10,181 | $12,542 |
New Zealand | $8,967 | $10,690 |
Colombia | $4,364 | $4,335 |
Mexico | $2,933 | $3,242 |
Public Education Spending by State
Education spending refers to the money spent by public schools. This may include teacher and administrator salaries, supplies, building maintenance, field trips, etc. These numbers refer to how much money has a direct impact on public school students.
- New York schools spend the most on K-12 education per pupil.
- California spends the most on postsecondary education.
- New York also spends the second most on K-12 education in terms of a percentage of local taxpayer income.
- Alaska K-12 schools spend the most in terms of a percentage of taxpayer income.
- Vermont K-12 public school students receive the second-most expensive education.
- Aside from Washington D.C., Florida K-12 schools spend the least in terms of a percentage of local taxpayer income.
- North Dakota makes the most of its funding for K-12 education, having the least funds per pupil leftover after spending on students.
State | K-12 Spending | Postsecondary Spending |
Alabama | $13,461 | $38,848 |
Alaska | $21,996 | $35,889 |
Arizona | $10,090 | $21,500 |
Arkansas | $13,258 | $34,100 |
California | $18,020 | $34,627 |
Colorado | $16,410 | $28,836 |
Connecticut | $25,023 | $45,281 |
Delaware | $18,203 | $32,660 |
District of Columbia | $18,272 | $43,713 |
Florida | $12,415 | $19,293 |
Georgia | $14,660 | $22,110 |
Hawaii | $19,719 | $38,886 |
Idaho | $9,387 | $18,641 |
Illinois | $21,829 | $33,997 |
Indiana | $14,162 | $21,665 |
Iowa | $16,021 | $43,722 |
Kansas | $16,594 | $23,937 |
Kentucky | $15,337 | $33,970 |
Louisiana | $13,760 | $23,471 |
Maine | $19,310 | $19,499 |
Maryland | $19,818 | $25,870 |
Massachusetts | $24,359 | $28,221 |
Michigan | $16,208 | $38,226 |
Minnesota | $18,057 | $24,313 |
Mississippi | $12,394 | $34,353 |
Missouri | $14,703 | $25,560 |
Montana | $15,500 | $29,364 |
Nebraska | $16,643 | $28,524 |
Nevada | $12,229 | $18,083 |
New Hampshire | $21,898 | $30,313 |
New Jersey | $26,558 | $27,448 |
New Mexico | $14,687 | $53,046 |
New York | $33,437 | $30,567 |
North Carolina | $12,352 | $26,383 |
North Dakota | $18,486 | $29,828 |
Ohio | $16,687 | $25,272 |
Oklahoma | $11,349 | $27,373 |
Oregon | $19,376 | $47,119 |
Pennsylvania | $21,441 | $43,240 |
Rhode Island | $21,051 | $22,677 |
South Carolina | $14,884 | $28,033 |
South Dakota | $13,636 | $20,811 |
Tennessee | $12,431 | $23,180 |
Texas | $14,257 | $29,203 |
Utah | $9,977 | $43,276 |
Vermont | $26,974 | $37,821 |
Virginia | $16,445 | $30,553 |
Washington | $20,748 | $37,265 |
West Virginia | $15,356 | $26,051 |
Wisconsin | $16,744 | $25,010 |
Wyoming | $20,159 | $30,586 |
Public Education Funding by State
Educational funding or financing refers to how much money goes into schools, also sometimes referred to as revenue or income. Financing influences spending, but states rarely spend 100% of their public school funding.
- K-12 schools in Alaska receive the most funding per pupil from the federal government.
- North Dakota receives the second-most federal funding for K-12 schools.
- Utah receives the lowest amount for K-12 education per pupil from the federal government.
- Kansas receives the second-lowest amount for K-12 education per pupil in federal funding.
- Vermont’s state government spends the most per pupil of any state government to finance K-12 education.
- Hawaii supplies the second-most state funding for K-12 education.
- Texas’ state government supplies the lowest amount of educational financing per pupil for K-12 schools.
State | Federal Funding | State & Local Funding |
Alaska | $4,369 | $16,815 |
North Dakota | $3,393 | $15,209 |
Montana | $3,268 | $12,352 |
Kentucky | $3,195 | $12,902 |
South Dakota | $3,053 | $11,034 |
Hawaii | $3,039 | $17,904 |
Mississippi | $3,029 | $9,968 |
West Virginia | $2,974 | $13,036 |
Wyoming | $2,876 | $19,295 |
Vermont | $2,874 | $24,471 |
New Mexico | $2,795 | $13,130 |
Pennsylvania | $2,757 | $19,446 |
Arkansas | $2,749 | $10,717 |
California | $2,748 | $16,867 |
Louisiana | $2,705 | $12,332 |
Michigan | $2,659 | $14,107 |
Tennessee | $2,538 | $10,786 |
Georgia | $2,515 | $13,403 |
North Carolina | $2,472 | $9,671 |
Washington | $2,471 | $17,569 |
Illinois | $2,468 | $20,688 |
Alabama | $2,462 | $11,729 |
New York | $2,438 | $31,197 |
Rhode Island | $2,438 | $18,439 |
District of Columbia | $2,430 | $15,124 |
Texas | $2,425 | $11,029 |
South Carolina | $2,423 | $13,484 |
Delaware | $2,410 | $16,427 |
Maryland | $2,406 | $18,598 |
Ohio | $2,366 | $14,594 |
Oklahoma | $2,328 | $9,588 |
Florida | $2,299 | $10,676 |
Missouri | $2,273 | $12,973 |
Iowa | $2,166 | $14,145 |
Massachusetts | $2,122 | $20,469 |
Arizona | $2,088 | $8,534 |
Connecticut | $2,077 | $23,824 |
Maine | $2,062 | $18,057 |
Nevada | $2,052 | $10,744 |
New Jersey | $2,030 | $25,388 |
Minnesota | $2,025 | $15,220 |
Virginia | $2,021 | $14,569 |
Oregon | $2,011 | $16,446 |
Wisconsin | $1,987 | $15,207 |
Nebraska | $1,970 | $14,275 |
New Hampshire | $1,902 | $19,687 |
Idaho | $1,891 | $8,521 |
Indiana | $1,815 | $12,820 |
Colorado | $1,711 | $14,486 |
Kansas | $1,594 | $14,204 |
Utah | $1,311 | $8,985 |
Public Education Spending in Alabama
Alabama spends less than the national average on K-12 education in terms of dollars-per-pupil but a similar amount in terms of percentage of taxpayers’ personal income. The state ranks 39th in funding and 41st in school spending.
- Alabama K-12 schools spend $13,461 per pupil for a total of $10.11 billion annually.
- That is equivalent to 3.65% of taxpayer income.
- Alabama K-12 schools receive $1.85 billion from the federal government, or $2,462 per student
- State funding totals $5.53 billion or $7,358 per student.
- Local funding totals $3.28 billion or $4,371 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.18% of Alabama’s taxpayer income.
- Alabama’s federal education funding is equivalent to 0.67% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Alabama totals $10.7 billion or $14,190 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $548.2 million or $730 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $38,848 per pupil, 18.4% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $4,546 per student.
- State funding and local funding to postsecondary institutions averages $7,871 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 17.0% of all funding; this is down 22.9% YoY.
- 4.92% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Alabama’s 2-year community colleges spend 10.3% of what 4-year public colleges spend annually.
Public Education Spending in Alaska
Alaska spends the most on K-12 education in terms of percentage of taxpayer income and ranks 6th overall in the most spending per pupil. Alaska’s schools rank 10th in funding and are the most dependent on federal funding.
- Alaskan K-12 public schools spend $22,000 per pupil for a total of $2.88 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 5.47% of taxpayer income.
- Alaska K-12 schools receive $571.2 million or $4,369 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.60 billion or $12,267per pupil.
- Local funding totals $594.5 million or $4,547 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 4.19% of Alaska’s taxpayer income.
- Alaska’s federal education funding is equivalent to 1.09% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Alaska totals $2.77 billion or $21,180 per pupil.
- Alaska school spending exceeds funding by $106.1 million or $810 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $35,889 per pupil, 27.9% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $7,585 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $17,370 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 14.4% of all funding, which is a 12.8% decrease YoY.
- 2.14% of all postsecondary funding in Alaska comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
Public Education Spending in Arizona
Arizona schools spend less on K-12 education than the national average. The state’s government also spends less on education per capita. Arizona ranks 49th in spending and 49th in funding.
- Arizona K-12 schools spend $10,090 per pupil for a total of $11.4 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.46% of taxpayer income.
- Arizona K-12 schools receive $2.36 billion, or $2,088 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $4.93 billion or $4,358 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $4.73 billion or $4,176 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.08% of Arizona’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.51% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Arizona totals $12.0 billion or $10,622 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $601.5 million or $531 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $21,500 per pupil, 31.6% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,876 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,886 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 31.8% of all funding, which is 7.20% decrease from the previous year.
- 3.58% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Arizona’s 2-year community colleges spend 24.7% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Arkansas
Arkansas schools spend less per K-12 pupil than the national average. The state ranks 42nd in spending and 41st in funding.
- Arkansas K-12 schools spend $13,258 per pupil for a total of $6.54 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.70% of taxpayer income.
- Arkansas K-12 schools receive $1.36 billion, or $2,749per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $4.45 billion or $9,016 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $838.8 million or $1,701 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.99% of Arkansas’ taxpayer income.
- Arkansas’ federal education funding is equivalent to 0.77% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Arkansas totals $6.64 billion or $13,466 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $102.6 million or $208 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $34,100 per pupil, 20.9% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,178 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,917 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 12.5% of all funding, which is a 9.7% decrease from the previous year.
- 5.80% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Arkansas’ 2-year community colleges spend 11.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in California
California receives 13.3% of all educational funding for U.S. public primary schools. With 5.93 million students enrolled statewide, California schools receive comparatively little federal funding per K-12 student. The state ranks 21st in spending and 16th in funding.
- California K-12 schools spend $18,020 per pupil for a total of $106.9 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.38% of taxpayer income.
- California K-12 schools receive $16.30 billion, or $2,748 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $61.3 billion or $10,338 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $38.7 billion or $6,529 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.16% of California’s taxpayer income.
- California’s federal education funding is equivalent to 0.51% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in California totals $116.3 billion or $19,615 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $9.5 billion or $1,595 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $34,627 per pupil, 22.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,190 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $9,804 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 9.7% of all funding, which is a 18.1% decline from the previous year.
- 1.06% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- California’s 2-year community colleges spend 22.1% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Colorado
Colorado K-12 schools spend less per pupil than the national average. Colorado ranks 27th in spending and 28th in funding.
- K-12 schools spend $16,410 per pupil for a total of $14.3 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.04% of taxpayer income.
- Colorado K-12 schools receive $1.49 billion, or $1,711 per pupil from the federal government.
- State funding totals $5.46 billion or $6,264 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $7.16 billion, or $8,222 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.68% of Colorado’s taxpayer income.
- Colorado’s federal education funding is equivalent to 0.32% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Colorado totals $14.1 billion, or $16,197 per pupil.
- Colorado school spending exceeds funding by $185.6 million or $213 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $28,836 per pupil, 32.6% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $4,629 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $3,197 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 23.8% of all funding, which is a decline of 17.4% from the previous year.
- 4.71% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Colorado’s 2-year community colleges spend 2.73% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Connecticut
Connecticut K-12 schools spend more per pupil than most other states. The state receives comparatively little in federal funding. Connecticut ranks 4th in spending and in funding.
- K-12 schools spend $25,023 per pupil for a total of $12.9 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.95% of taxpayer income.
- Connecticut K-12 schools receive $1.1 billion, or $2,077 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $4.72 billion or $9,195 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $7.51 billion or $14,629 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.76% of Connecticut’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.33% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Connecticut totals $13.3 billion or $25,900 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $450.6 million or $877 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $45,281 per pupil, 26.2% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,348 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $13,780 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 19.0% of all funding, which is a decrease of 13.6% from the previous year.
- 3.37% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Connecticut’s 2-year community colleges spend 13.3% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Delaware
Delaware spends more per K-12 pupil than the national average. The state ranks 19th in spending and 17th in funding.
- Delaware K-12 schools spend $18,203 per pupil for a total of $2.58 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.73% of taxpayer income.
- Delaware K-12 schools receive $341.0 million , or $2,410 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.49 billion or $10,548 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $831.7 million or $5,879 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.37% of Delaware’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.49% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for Delaware K-12 education totals $2.66 billion or $18,838 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $89.7 million, or $634 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $32,660 per pupil, 42.2% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $5,994 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,211 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 25.4% of all funding, which is a 34.3% decrease from the previous year.
- 3.24% of all postsecondary funding in Delaware comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
Public Education Spending in the District of Columbia
While District of Columbia K-12 schools spend more per pupil than most schools nationwide, these schools spend less in terms of a percentage of taxpayer income. D.C. ranks 20th in funding and 18th in spending.
- District of Columbia K-12 schools spend $18,272 per pupil for a total of $1.66 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.29% of taxpayer income.
- District of Columbia K-12 schools receive $221.1 million, or $2,430 per pupil from the federal government.
- Local funding totals $1.38 billion, or $15,124 per pupil.
- Local funding is equivalent to 1.90% of the District of Columbia’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.30% of local taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in the District of Columbia totals $1.60 billion, or $17,554 per pupil.
- District of Columbia school spending exceeds funding by $65.3 million or $718 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $43,713 per pupil, 21.0% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $6,707 per student.
- Local funding averages $23,934 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 13.2% of all funding, which is a 1.21% smaller share than the previous year.
- 0.19% of all postsecondary funding in D.C. comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
Public Education Spending in Florida
Florida receives the third-largest amount of federal K-12 education funding. The state government funds education at a lower per-capita rate. Florida ranks 44th in spending and 45th in funding.
- Florida K-12 schools spend $12,415 per pupil for a total of $35.6 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.29% of taxpayer income.
- Florida K-12 schools receive $6.60 billion or $2,299per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $12.0 billion or $4,188 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $18.6 billion or $6,488 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 1.97% of Florida’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.42% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Florida totals $37.2 billion or $12,974per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $1.61 billion or $560 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $19,293 per pupil, 29.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Among postsecondary schools, federal funding averages $1,792 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,863 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 16.6% of all funding, which is a 3.38% smaller share than the previous year.
- 5.10% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Florida’s 2-year community colleges spend 1.46% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Georgia
Georgia K-12 schools spend less per pupil than the nationwide average. Georgia ranks 36th in spending and 32nd in funding.
- Georgia K-12 schools spend $14,660 per pupil for a total of $25.7 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.89% of taxpayer income.
- Georgia K-12 schools receive $4.40 billion, or $2,515 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $11.1 billion or $6,325 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $12.4 billion, or $7,078per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.55% of Georgia’s taxpayer income.
- Federal funding is equivalent to 0.67% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Georgia totals $27.9 billion or $15,918 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $2.20 billion, or $1,258 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $22,110 per pupil, 24.0% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,866 per student.
- State local funding averages a combined $7,012 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 24.1% of all funding, which is a 0.48% smaller proportion than the previous year.
- 7.64% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Georgia’s 2-year community colleges spend 11.2% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Hawaii
Hawaii spends more per K-12 pupil than most other states. The state ranks 14th in spending and 12th in funding.
- Hawaii K-12 schools spend $19,719 per pupil for a total of $3.36 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.53% of taxpayer income.
- K-12 schools receive $517.3 million or $3,039 per pupil from the federal government.
- State funding totals $3.02 billion or $17,740 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $27.9 million or $164 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.21% of Hawaii’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.54% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Hawaii totals $3.56 billion, or $20,943 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $208.3 million, or $1,224 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $38,886 per pupil, 30.9% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $6,304 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $12,583 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 14.1% of all funding, which is a 5.56% smaller proportion than the previous year.
- 2.07% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Hawaii’s 2-year community colleges spend 17.7% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Idaho
Idaho schools spend the least of all states and ranks 50th in K-12 funding.
- Idaho K-12 schools spend $9,387 per pupil for a total of $2.98 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.55% of taxpayer income.
- Idaho K-12 schools receive $600.6 million, or $1,891 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.94 billion or $6,101 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $768.5 million or $2,420 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.32% of Idaho’s taxpayer income.
- Idaho’s federal education funding is equivalent to 0.51% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Idaho totals $3.31 billion or $10,413 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $325.7 million or $1,026 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $18,641 per pupil, 33.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,160 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,150 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 26.9% of all funding, which is a 0.37% smaller share than the previous year.
- 4.52% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Idaho’s 2-year community colleges spend 13.9% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Illinois
Illinois ranks 8th in K-12 school spending and 5th in funding. Illinois schools receive more state and local funding in terms of a percentage of taxpayer income.
- Illinois K-12 schools spend $21,829 per pupil for a total of $40.4 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 4.46% of taxpayer income.
- Illinois K-12 schools receive $4.57 billion, or $2,470 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $17.1 billion or $9,247 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $21.2 billion or $11,441 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 4.23% of Illinois’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.508% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Illinois totals $42.9 billion or $23,156 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $2.46 billion or $1,326 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $33,997 per pupil, 32.9% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,198 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,970 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 16.1% of all funding, which is a 13.7% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 3.95% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Illinois’ 2-year community colleges spend 33.9% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Indiana
Indiana ranks 38th in K-12 school spending and in funding. The state receives relatively little from the federal government.
- Indiana K-12 schools spend $14,162 per pupil for a total of $14.7 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.49% of taxpayer income.
- Indiana K-12 schools receive $1.88 billion, or $1,815 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $8.73 billion or $8,422 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $4.56 billion or $4,398 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.16% of Indiana’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.45% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Indiana totals $15.2 billion or $14,635 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $490.6 million or $473 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $21,665 per pupil, 37.9% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,0290 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,591 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 31.8% of all funding, which is a 7.78% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 6.01% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Indiana’s 2-year community colleges spend 8.91% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Iowa
Iowa ranks 29th in K-12 school spending and 26th in funding.
- Iowa K-12 schools spend $16,021 per pupil for a total of $8.19 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 4.07% of taxpayer income.
- Iowa K-12 schools receive $1.11 billion, or $2,166 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $4.16 billion or $8,128 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $3.08 billion or $6,016 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.59% of Iowa’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.55% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Iowa totals $8.34 billion or $16,310 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $148.1 million or $290 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $43,722 per pupil, 17.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $4,365 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,806 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 13.9% of all funding, which is a 12.5% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 5.80% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Iowa’s 2-year community colleges spend 17.6% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Kansas
Kansas ranks 25th in K-12 schools spending and 34th in funding. Kansas schools are more dependent on state funding than schools nationwide.
- K-12 schools spend $16,594 per pupil for a total of $8.10 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 4.17% of taxpayer income.
- Kansas K-12 schools receive $777.8 million, or $1,594 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $5.02 billion or $10,293 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $1.91 billion or $3,911 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.57% of Kansas’ taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.40% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Kansas totals $7.71 billion or $15,798 per pupil.
- Kansas school spending exceeds funding by $388.4 million or $796 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $23,937 per pupil, 33.5% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,011 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,379 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 21.8% of all funding, which is a 9.25% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 8.45% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Kansas’ 2-year community colleges spend 26.9% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Kentucky
Kentucky K-12 schools rank 32nd in spending but 29th in funding.
- K-12 schools spend $15,337 per pupil for a total of $10.1 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 4.04% of taxpayer income.
- Kentucky K-12 schools receive $2.11 billion or $3,195 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $5.02 billion or $7,608 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $3.49 billion or $5,294 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.40% of Kentucky’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.84% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Kentucky totals $10.6 billion or $16,097 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $501.5 million or $760 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $33,970 per pupil, 19.4% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,768 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,896 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 13.8% of all funding, which is a 13.1% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 4.22% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Kentucky’s 2-year community colleges spend 9.29% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Louisiana
Louisiana K-12 schools rank 39th in terms of spending and 37th in funding.
- K-12 schools spend $13,760 per pupil for a total of $9.88 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.67% of taxpayer income.
- Louisiana K-12 schools receive $1.94 billion, or $2,705 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $3.80 billion or $5,292 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $5.06 billion or $7,040 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.29% of Louisiana’s taxpayer income.
- Federal funding for education is equivalent to 0.72% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Louisiana totals $10.8 billion or $15,037 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $916.9 million or $1,277 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $23,471 per pupil, 28.1% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,502 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,617 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 23.1% of all funding, which is a 10.8% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 6.56% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Louisiana’s 2-year community colleges spend 12.0% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Maine
Maine K-12 schools ranks 16th in spending and 14th in funding.
- K-12 schools spend $19,310 per pupil for a total of $3.36 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.69% of taxpayer income.
- Maine K-12 schools receive $358.4 million, or $2,062 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.41 billion or $8,088 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $1.73 billion or $9,969 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.45% of Maine taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.39% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Maine totals $3.50 billion or $20,118 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $140.6 million or $809 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $19,499 per pupil, 32.9% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,600 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,659 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 22.1% of all funding, which is a 12.8% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 4.71% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Maine’s 2-year community colleges spend 16.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Maryland
Maryland K-12 schools rank 13th in spending and 11th in funding. Maryland schools spend more per pupil than the nationwide average.
- K-12 schools spend $19,818 per pupil for a total of $17.6 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.79% of taxpayer income.
- Maryland K-12 schools receive $2.14 billion, or $2,406 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $7.57 billion or $8,510 per pupil among its public schools.
- Local funding totals $8.98 billion or $10,088 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.55% of Maryland taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.46% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Maryland totals $18.7 billion or $21,004 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $1.06 billion or $1,187 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, Maryland public colleges and universities spend $25,870 per pupil, 28.3% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,991 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $10,282 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 21.9% of all funding, which is a 5.58% smaller share than in the previous year.
- 5.77% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Maryland’s 2-year community colleges spend 24.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Massachusetts
Massachusetts ranks 5th in K-12 school spending and 6th in funding.
- Massachusetts K-12 schools spend $24,359 per pupil for a total of $22.5 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.55% #3) of taxpayer income.
- Massachusetts K-12 schools receive $1.96 billion, or $2,122 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $8.77 billion or $9,500 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $10.1 billion or $10,969 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.98% #3) of Massachusetts taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.31% #3) of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Massachusetts totals $20.9 billion or $22,590 per pupil.
- Massachusetts school spending exceeds funding by $1.63 billion or $1,770 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $28,221 per pupil, 34.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,537 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $10,623 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 25.4% of all funding, which is a 5.96% smaller proportion than in the previous year.
- 4.20% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Massachusetts’ 2-year community colleges spend 20.3% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Michigan
Michigan ranks 28th in K-12 school spending and 24th in funding.
- Michigan K-12 schools spend $16,208 per pupil for a total of $23.2 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.79% of taxpayer income.
- Michigan K-12 schools receive $3.81 billion, or $2,659 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $12.6 billion or $8,798 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $7.61 billion or $5,309 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.30% of Michigan’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.62% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Michigan totals $24.0 billion or $16,766 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $800 million or $558 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $38,226 per pupil, 25.7% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,953 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,419 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 17.6% of all funding, which is a 30.5% smaller proportion than the previous academic year.
- 2.91% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Michigan’s 2-year community colleges spend 10.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Minnesota
Minnesota ranks 20th in K-12 school spending and 21st in funding. Most educational funding comes from the state government.
- Minnesota K-12 schools spend $18,057 per pupil for a total of $15.7 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.77% of taxpayer income.
- Minnesota K-12 schools receive $1.76 billion, or $2,025 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $8.94 billion or $10,273 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $4.30 billion or $4,946 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.18% of Minnesota’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.42% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Minnesota totals $15.0 billion or $17,244 per pupil.
- Minnesota school spending exceeds funding by $707.5 million or $813 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $24,313 per pupil, 30.5% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,136 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,553 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 20.0% of all funding, just 14.5% smaller proportionally compared to the previous academic year.
- 8.21% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Minnesota’s 2-year community colleges spend 24.6% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Mississippi
Mississippi ranks 45th in K-12 school spending and 44th in funding. Public school spending is much lower than the nationwide average, but Mississippi taxpayers spend about the same proportion of their income on education.
- Mississippi K-12 schools spend $12,394 per pupil for a total of $5.46 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.74% of taxpayer income.
- Mississippi K-12 schools receive $1.33 billion, or $3,029 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $2.51 billion or $5,697 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $1.88 billion or $4,271 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.01% of Mississippi’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.91% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Mississippi totals $5.72 billion or $12,998 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $265.9 million or $604 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $34,353 per pupil, 21.3% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,767 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,494 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 14.7% of all funding, which is a 5.52% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 7.11% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Mississippi’s 2-year community colleges spend 26.3% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Missouri
Missouri ranks 34th in K-12 school spending and 36th in funding. Missouri schools spend less than the national average on education relative to taxpayer income.
- Missouri K-12 schools spend $14,703 per pupil for a total of $13.1 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.38% of taxpayer income.
- Missouri K-12 schools receive $2.03 billion, or $2,273 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $4.73 billion or $5,306 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $6.84 billion or $7,668 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.98% of Missouri’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.52% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Missouri totals $13.6 billion or $15,247 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $485.2 million or $544 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $25,560 per pupil, 25.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,153 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $6,151 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 15.5% of all funding, which is a 22.4% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 12.2% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Missouri’s 2-year community colleges spend 16.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Montana
Montana ranks 30th in K-12 school spending and 35th in funding. Schools in Montana spend less than the national average on education per pupil and as a proportion of taxpayer income.
- Montana K-12 schools spend $15,500 per pupil for a total of $2.34 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.17% of taxpayer income.
- Montana K-12 schools receive $492.7 million, or $3,268 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $931.9 million or $6,183 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $929.9 million or $6,169 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.53% of Montana’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.67% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Montana totals $2.35 billion or $15,621 per pupil.
- There is a difference of $18.1 million or $120 per pupil between Montana school spending and funding.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $29,364 per pupil, 25.7% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $6,278 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,855 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 23.5% of all funding, which is a 11.5% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 6.39% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Montana’s 2-year community colleges spend 10.2% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Nebraska
Nebraska ranks 24th in K-12 school spending and 27th in funding. The state spends less per pupil and relative to taxpayer income.
- Nebraska K-12 schools spend $16,643 per pupil for a total of $5.48 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.88% of taxpayer income.
- Nebraska K-12 schools receive $648.4 million, or $1,970 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.61 billion or $4,878 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $3.09 billion or $9,397 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.33% of Nebraska’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.46% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Nebraska totals $5.35 billion or $16,244 per pupil.
- Nebraska school spending exceeds funding by $131.4 million or $399 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $28,524 per pupil, 32.1% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,460 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $12,491 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 16.5% of all funding, a 5.67% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 8.56% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Nebraska’s 2-year community colleges spend 21.6% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Nevada
Nevada K-12 schools rank 47th in spending and 46th in funding. State schools spend less per pupil than the nationwide average.
- Nevada K-12 schools spend $12,229 per pupil for a total of $5.92 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.80% of taxpayer income.
- Nevada K-12 schools receive $993.4 million, or $2,052 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $4.29 billion or $8,866 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $909.7 million or $1,879 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.46% of Nevada’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.47% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Nevada totals $6.20 billion or $12,796 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $274.3 million or $567 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $18,083 per pupil, 40.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,986 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,954 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 22.8% of all funding, which is a 2.54% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 2.06% of all postsecondary funding in Nevada comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
Public Education Spending in New Hampshire
New Hampshire K-12 schools rank 7th in spending and 9th in funding. Most funding comes from local sources.
- New Hampshire schools spend $21,898 per pupil for a total of $3.70 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.34% of taxpayer income.
- New Hampshire K-12 schools receive $321.2 million, or $1,902 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.07 billion or $6,344 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $2.25 billion or $13,343 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.00% of New Hampshire’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.29% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in New Hampshire totals $3.65 billion or $21,589 per pupil.
- New Hampshire school spending exceeds funding by $52.2 million or $309 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $30,313 per pupil, 31.3% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,094 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,974 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 28.3% of all funding, a 24.9% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 13.2% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- New Hampshire’s 2-year community colleges spend 15.9% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in New Jersey
New Jersey receives relatively little K-12 educational financing from the federal government. The state’s schools rank 3rd in spending and 2nd in funding.
- New Jersey K-12 schools spend $26,558 per pupil for a total of $36.8 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 4.82% of taxpayer income.
- New Jersey K-12 schools receive $2.81 billion, or $2,030 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $17.0 billion or $12,278 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $18.1 billion or $13,110 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 4.61% of New Jersey’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.37% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in New Jersey totals $37.9 billion or $27,417 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $1.19 billion or $859 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $27,448 per pupil, 30.3% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,410 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,856 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 26.5% of all funding, which is a 13.9% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 2.30% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- New Jersey’s 2-year community colleges spend 18.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in New Mexico
New Mexico K-12 schools rank 35th in spending and 31st in funding. Schools spend less per pupil than most other states, but taxpayers spend more on education than the nationwide average.
- New Mexico K-12 schools spend $14,687 per pupil for a total of $4.63 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.95% of taxpayer income.
- New Mexico K-12 schools receive $880.4 million, or $2,795 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $3.24 billion or $10,278 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $900.0 million or $2,852 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.53% of New Mexico’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.75% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in New Mexico totals $5.02 billion or $15,924 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $389.9 million or $1,238 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $53,046 per pupil, 12.3% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $4,795 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $12,191 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 6.40% of all funding, which is a 8.89% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 1.18% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- New Mexico’s 2-year community colleges spend 17.2% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in New York
New York schools rank 1st in spending and in funding. Home to 5.10% of the nation’s K-12 students, the state receives 9.70% of all U.S. public primary school funding.
- New York K-12 schools spend $33,437 per pupil for a total of $84.7 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 5.26% of taxpayer income.
- New York K-12 schools receive $6.17 billion, or $2,438 per pupil from the federal government.
- State funding totals $30.8 billion or $12,152 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $48.2 billion or $19,046 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 4.90% of New York’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.38% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in New York totals $85.2 billion or $33,635 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $501.9 million or $198 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $30,567 per pupil, 32.2% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,256 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $11,393 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 13.4% of all funding, a 7.27% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 2.36% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- New York’s 2-year community colleges spend 20.9% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in North Carolina
North Carolina ranks 46th in K-12 school spending and 47th in funding. Schools spend much less per pupil and relative to taxpayer income than most other states.
- North Carolina K-12 schools spend $12,352 per pupil for a total of $19.0 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.84% of taxpayer income.
- North Carolina K-12 schools receive $3.81 billion, or $2,472 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $10.5 billion or $6,777 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $4.46 billion or $2,894 per pupil.
- State and local funding is 2.23% of North Carolina’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.57% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in North Carolina totals $18.7 billion or $12,143 per pupil.
- North Carolina school spending exceeds funding by $322.1 million or $209 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $26,383 per pupil, 31.4% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,502 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $10,653.
- Tuition accounts for 12.8% of all funding, a 18.8% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 10.4% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- North Carolina’s 2-year community colleges spend 24.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in North Dakota
North Dakota K-12 schools rank 17th in spending and 18th in funding. On average, schools spend more per pupil and relative to taxpayer income.
- K-12 schools spend $18,486 per pupil for a total of $2.19 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.88% of taxpayer income.
- North Dakota K-12 schools receive $402.1 million, or $3,393 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.08 billion or $9,126 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $720.9 million or $6,083 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.19% of North Dakota’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.71% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in North Dakota totals $2.20 billion or $18,602 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $13.8 million or $116 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $29,828 per pupil, 33.5% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,730 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $9,372 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 25.7% of all funding, a 8.45% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 6.34% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- North Dakota’s 2-year community colleges spend 9.50% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Ohio
Ohio K-12 schools rank 23rd in spending and funding. Spending per pupil and relative to taxpayer income is on par with the national average.
- K-12 schools spend $16,687 per pupil for a total of $28.05 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.87% of taxpayer income.
- Ohio K-12 schools receive $3.98 billion , or $2,366 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $9.74 billion or $5,796 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $14.8 billion or $8,798 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.38% of Ohio’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.55% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Ohio totals $28.5 billion or $16,960 per pupil.
- Ohio school spending exceeds funding by $458.7 million or $273 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $25,272 per pupil, 30.4% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,666 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,897 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 18.9% of all funding, which is a 21.4% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 3.03% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Ohio’s 2-year community colleges spend 7.91% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Oklahoma
Oklahoma K-12 schools rank 48th in spending and in funding. The state’s schools spend much less per pupil than most other states.
- K-12 schools spend $11,349 per pupil for a total of $7.96 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.24% of taxpayer income.
- Oklahoma K-12 schools receive $1.63 billion, or $2,328 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $3.48 billion or $4,966 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $3.24 billion or $4,622 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.74% of Oklahoma’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.67% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Oklahoma totals $8.36 billion or $11,916 per pupil.
- Oklahoma school spending exceeds funding by $397.5 million or $567 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $27,373 per pupil, 30.5% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,507 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $6,956 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 21.8% of all funding, which is a 3.07% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 9.49% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Oklahoma’s 2-year community colleges spend 12.9% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Oregon
Oregon K-12 schools rank 15th in spending and 19th in funding. Oregon spends more on public postsecondary education than most other states.
- K-12 schools spend $19,376 per pupil for a total of $11.2 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.90% of taxpayer income.
- Oregon K-12 schools receive $1.16 billion, or $2,011 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $5.63 billion or $9,748 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $3.87 billion or $6,697 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.31% of Oregon’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.40% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Oregon totals $10.7 billion or $18,456 per pupil.
- Oregon school spending exceeds funding by $531.2 million or $920 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $47,119 per pupil, 19.7% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $5,469 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,753 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 15.2% of all funding, which is a 4.41% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 4.02% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Oregon’s 2-year community colleges spend 18.5% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania K-12 schools rank 9th in spending and 7th in funding. Schools in Pennsylvania spend more per pupil and relative to taxpayer income.
- K-12 schools spend $21,441 per pupil for a total of $36.3 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 4.06% of taxpayer income.
- Pennsylvania K-12 schools receive $4.67 billion, or $2,757 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $13.3 billion or $7,881 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $19.6 billion or $11,565 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.68% of Pennsylvania’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.52% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Pennsylvania totals $37.6 billion or $22,203 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $1.29 billion or $762 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $43,240 per pupil, 20.7% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $4,377 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,701 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 21.0% of all funding, a 23.0% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 2.53% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Pennsylvania’s 2-year community colleges spend 7.83% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Rhode Island
Rhode Island K-12 schools rank 10th in spending and 13th in funding. Rhode Island spends more on K-12 education and less on public postsecondary education relative to the national averages.
- K-12 schools spend $21,051 per pupil for a total of $2.89 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.91% of taxpayer income.
- Rhode Island K-12 schools receive $335.0 million, or $2,438 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.14 billion or $8,262 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $1.40 billion or $10,176 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.42% of Rhode Island’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.45% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Rhode Island totals $2.87 billion or $20,876 per pupil.
- Rhode Island spending exceeds the funding by $24.0 million or $174 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $22,677 per pupil, 32.5% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,360 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $5,553 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 36.6% of all funding, which is an 2.89% larger proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 8.10% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Rhode Island’s 2-year community colleges spend 17.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in South Carolina
South Carolina K-12 schools rank 33rd in spending and in funding. South Carolina spends less on K-12 and on postsecondary education than most other states.
- K-12 schools spend $14,884 per pupil for a total of $11.8 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.81% of taxpayer income.
- South Carolina K-12 schools receive $1.91 billion, or $2,423 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $5.43 billion or $6,883 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $5.21 billion or $6,601 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.45% of South Carolina’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.62% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in South Carolina totals $12.6 billion or $15,908 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $807.6 million or $1,023 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $28,033 per pupil, 33.2% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,851 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $7,448 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 31.0% of all funding, a 4.50% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 8.22% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- South Carolina’s 2-year community colleges spend 16.4% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in South Dakota
South Dakota K-12 schools rank 40th in spending and in funding. South Dakota receives more federal funding per student than most other states, but K-12 spending per pupil is lower than most other states.
- K-12 schools spend $13,636 per pupil for a total of $1.93 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.90% of taxpayer income.
- South Dakota K-12 schools receive $433.1 million, or $3,053 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $612.0 million or $4,313 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $953.7 million or $6,721 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.35% of South Dakota’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.65% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in South Dakota totals $2.00 billion or $14,087 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $64.0 million or $451 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $20,811 per pupil, 32.8% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,438 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $6,413 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 24.4% of all funding, a 9.70% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 6.51% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- South Dakota’s 2-year community colleges spend 12.3% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Tennessee
Tennessee K-12 schools rank 43rd in spending and in funding. Tennessee K-12 and postsecondary schools spend much less in education per pupil than the average U.S. school.
- K-12 schools spend $12,431 per pupil for a total of $12.5 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 2.82% of taxpayer income.
- Tennessee K-12 schools receive $2.55 billion, or $2,538 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $5.43 billion or $5,393 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $5.43 billion or $5,394 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.45% of Tennessee’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is the equivalent to 0.58% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Tennessee totals $13.4 billion or $13,324 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $898.6 million or $893 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $23,180 per pupil, 37.3% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $1,508 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,707 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 20.1% of all funding, a 7.79% smaller proportion than in the previous academic year.
- 5.47% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Tennessee’s 2-year community colleges spend 18.7% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Texas
Texas K-12 schools rank 37th in spending and 42nd in funding. Texas is second only to California in the size of its K-12 student population.
- K-12 schools spend $14,257 per pupil for a total of $78.7 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.89% of taxpayer income.
- Texas K-12 schools receive $13.4 billion, or $2,425 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $23.0 billion or $4,175 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $37.8 billion or $6,853 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.01% of Texas’ taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.66% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Texas totals $74.3 billion or $13,454 per pupil.
- Texas school spending exceeds funding by $4.43 billion or $803 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $29,203 per pupil, 27.6% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,342 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,613 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 10.3% of all funding, a 27.5% smaller(#1) proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 1.94% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Texas’ 2-year community colleges spend 8.98% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Utah
Utah K-12 schools rank 50th in spending and 51st in funding.
- K-12 schools spend $9,977 per pupil for a total of $6.90 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.15% of taxpayer income.
- Utah K-12 schools receive $907.3 million, or $1,311 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $3.40 billion or $4,915 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $2.82 billion or $4,069 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.83% of Utah’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.41% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Utah totals $7.12 billion or $10,296 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $221.0 million or $319 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $43,276 per pupil, 15.1% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,524 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined total of $7,271 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 10.0% of all funding, a 15.7% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 2.18% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Utah’s 2-year community colleges spend 2.85% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Vermont
Vermont K-12 schools rank 2nd in spending and 3rd in funding.
- K-12 schools spend $26,974 per pupil for a total of $2.26 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 5.21% of taxpayer income.
- Vermont K-12 schools receive $240.4 million, or $2,874 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $2.00 billion or $23,895 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $48.2 million or $577 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 4.72% of Vermont’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.55% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Vermont totals $2.29 billion or $27,345 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $31.0 million or $370 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $37,821 per pupil, 25.7% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $6,597 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $8,619 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 35.6% of all funding, a 21.2% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 7.99% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Vermont’s 2-year community colleges spend 3.60% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Virginia
Virginia K-12 schools rank 26th in spending and 25th in funding. The state receives an average amount of educational financing from the federal government.
- K-12 schools spend $16,445 per pupil for a total of $20.7 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.22% of taxpayer income.
- Virginia K-12 schools receive $2.55 billion, or $2,021 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $8.14 billion or $6,457 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $10.2 billion or $8,112 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 2.85% of Virginia’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.40% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Virginia totals $20.9 billion or $16,590 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $183.4 million or $146 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $30,553 per pupil, 28.3% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,839 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $6,293 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 19.3% of all funding, a 24.4% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 7.18% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Virginia’s 2-year community colleges spend 11.0% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Washington
The state ranks 11th in school spending and 15th in funding. Schools in Washington spend more per pupil compared to schools nationwide.
- K-12 schools spend $20,748 per pupil for a total of $22.6 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.58% of taxpayer income.
- Washington K-12 schools receive $2.69 billion, or $2,471 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $13.8 billion or $12,678 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $5.33 billion or $4,891 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.03% of Washington’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.43% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Washington totals $21.9 billion or $20,040 per pupil.
- Washington school spending exceeds funding by $771.4 million or $708 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $37,265 per pupil, 31.0% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $5,020 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $10,678 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 15.4% of all funding, a 18.0% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 3.55% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Washington’s 2-year community colleges spend 2.76% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in West Virginia
West Virginia K-12 schools rank 31st in spending and 30th in funding. Schools in West Virginia spend much more relative to local taxpayer income compared to the average school nationwide.
- K-12 schools spend $15,356 per pupil for a total of $3.86 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 4.13% of taxpayer income.
- West Virginia K-12 schools receive $747.1 million, or $2,974 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.90 billion or $7,544 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $1.38 billion or $5,492 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.50% of West Virginia’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.80% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in West Virginia totals $4.02 billion, or $16,010 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $164.2 million, or $654 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $26,051 per pupil, 31.9% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,118 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $9,257 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 27.9% of all funding, a 11.5% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 7.29% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- West Virginia’s 2-year community colleges spend 9.24% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Wisconsin
Wisconsin K-12 schools receive relatively little from the federal government. The state ranks 22nd in spending and in funding. Wisconsin K-12 and postsecondary schools spend slightly less per pupil than the nationwide average.
- K-12 schools spend $16,744 per pupil for a total of $13.8 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.59% of taxpayer income.
- Wisconsin K-12 schools receive $1.63 billion, or $1,987 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $7.39 billion or $8,973 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $5.13 billion or $6,234 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.26% of Wisconsin’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.43% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Wisconsin totals $14.2 billion or $17,193 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $370.1 million or $450 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $25,010 per pupil, 35.1% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $2,932 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $9,448 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 21.5% of all funding, a 5.15% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 4.01% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Wisconsin’s 2-year community colleges spend 22.1% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
Public Education Spending in Wyoming
Wyoming spends more than average on K-12 education in terms of percentage of taxpayers’ personal income. The state’s schools rank 12th in spending and 8th in funding.
- Wyoming K-12 schools spend $20,159 per pupil for a total of $1.86 billion annually.
- Expenditures are equivalent to 3.89% of taxpayer income.
- K-12 schools receive $265.9 million, or $2,876 per pupil, from the federal government.
- State funding totals $1.07 billion or $11,554 per pupil.
- Local funding totals $715.8 million or $7,741 per pupil.
- State and local funding is equivalent to 3.72% of Wyoming’s taxpayer income.
- Federal education funding is equivalent to 0.55% of the state’s taxpayer income.
- Funding for K-12 education in Wyoming totals $2.05 billion or $22,171 per pupil.
- The difference between spending and funding is $186.1 million or $2,012 per pupil.
- At the postsecondary level, public colleges and universities spend $30,586 per pupil, 29.5% of which goes toward instruction.
- Federal funding for public postsecondary institutions averages $3,468 per student.
- State and local funding averages a combined $14,150 per student.
- Tuition accounts for 9.61% of all funding, a 28.5% smaller proportion compared to the previous academic year.
- 3.14% of all postsecondary funding comes from sales and services of auxiliary enterprises.
- Wyoming’s 2-year community colleges spend 17.8% of what its 4-year public colleges spend in a year.
- National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education
- United States Census Bureau, Annual Survey of School System Finances
- United States Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, Data
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Statistical Resources
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics Database, Education Statistics
- United States Department of Education, Budget History Tables