Average Cost per Credit Hour

Report Highlights. The average public, 4-year university charges in-state residents $406 per credit hour. Most college courses are worth 3 credit hours, meaning one (1) college class typically costs $1,218.

  • Including room & board expenses, the cost is closer to $933 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students at public 4-year colleges pay $1,144 per credit hour; including room and board, the cost is closer to $1,655 per credit.
  • The average private 4-year university charges $1,469 per credit hour or $4,406 per course.
  • The average local community college student pays a little over $150 per credit hour or $450 per course.
  • Factoring in student loan interest and the cost of lost income, the ultimate cost of the average bachelor’s degree exceeds $4,167 per credit hour or $12,500 per course.

*Due to rounding, credit hour : course cost may not equal 1.0 : 3.0.

**All calculations of cost per credit hour are based on the full-time, first-time student taking an average 24 credit hours their first year.

Related research includes the Average Cost of College & Tuition | Average Cost of Community College | How Do People Pay for College? | Student Loan Debt Statistics | Financial Aid Statistics | Student Loan Refinancing

Cost per credit hour at postsecondary institutions on Education Data Initiative

College Cost Per Credit Hour

When reporting the cost per credit hour, academic institutions refer only to charges applied to tuition and fees. This does not include books and supplies.

  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour at any public postsecondary institution is $333; the average cost per course is $1,000.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any public postsecondary institution is $850; the average cost per course is $2,550.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any public postsecondary institution increased 2.6% year-over-year (YoY).
  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour at any private postsecondary institution is $1,455; the cost per course is $4,365.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any private postsecondary institution is $2,055; the cost per course is $6,165.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any private postsecondary institution increased 3.7% YoY.
  • Private, nonprofit postsecondary institutions (2-year and 4-year) charge an average $1,596 tuition per credit hour; for-profit institutions charge an average $633 tuition per credit hour.
  • Private, nonprofit postsecondary institutions (2-year and 4-year) charge an average total $1,199 per credit hour; for-profit institutions charge an average total $1,152 per credit hour.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any private, nonprofit postsecondary institution increased 3.5% YoY.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any private, for-profit postsecondary institution decreased 0.1% YoY.
Total Cost Per Credit Hour: Public 4-Year Institutions
Expense Cost YoY Change
Tuition, In-State $400 2.4%
Tuition, Out-of-State $1,144 1.3%
Books & Supplies $51 0.0%
Room & Board $511 2.1%
Other $138 0.8%
Total Cost, In-State $1,100 1.0%
Total Cost, Out-of-State $1,844 0.9%

4-Year College Cost Per Credit Hour

In general, 4-year colleges are more expensive than 2-year institutions, such as community and technical colleges.

  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour at any 4-year institution is $738.
  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour at any 4-year institution increased 2.6% YoY.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any 4-year institution is $1,287.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at any 4-year institution increased 3.0% YoY.
  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour at a public, 4-year institution is $406.
  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour at a public, 4-year institution increased 1.6% YoY.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at a public, 4-year institution is $933.
  • The average total cost per credit hour at a public, 4-year institution increased 2.6% YoY.
  • For out-of-state students, public universities charge $1,144 in tuition per credit hour.
  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour for out-of-state students at a public, 4-year institution increased 1.3% YoY.
  • For out-of-state students, public universities cost a total of $1,655 per credit hour.
  • The average total cost per credit hour for out-of-state students at a public, 4-year institution increased 1.7% YoY.
  • $1,469 is the average cost of tuition per credit hour at any private, 4-year institution.
  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour for students at a private, 4-year institution increased 3.5% YoY.
  • $2,069 is the average total cost per credit hour at any private, 4-year institution.
  • The average total cost per credit hour for students at a private, 4-year institution increased 3.6% YoY.
  • $1,601 is the average cost of tuition per credit hour at a private, nonprofit 4-year institution.
  • The average total cost per credit hour for students at a private, nonprofit 4-year institution increased 3.2% YoY.
  • $2,202 is the average total cost per credit hour at a private, nonprofit 4-year institution.
  • The average total cost per credit hour for students at a private, nonprofit 4-year institution increased 3.4% YoY.
  • $661 is the average cost of tuition per credit hour at a private, for-profit 4-year institution.
  • The average cost of tuition per credit hour for students at a private, for-profit 4-year institution increased 2.3% YoY.
  • $1,157 is the average total cost per credit hour at a private, for-profit 4-year institution.
  • The average total cost per credit hour for students at a private, for-profit 4-year institution decreased 0.3% YoY.
Total Cost Per Credit Hour: Private 4-Year Institutions
Expense Nonprofit For-Profit
Tuition $1,601 $661
Books & Supplies $51 $43
Room & Board $602 $489
Other $117 $220
Total Cost $2,371 $1,413

2-Year College Cost Per Credit Hour

Two-year institutions often specialize in trade programs, and students are more likely to be local.

  • For in-state students at any public, 2-year institution or community college, $149 is the average cost of tuition per credit hour.
  • Community colleges charge out-of-state students an average of $351 in tuition per credit hour.
  • Nonprofit, 2-year institutions cost $834 per credit hour; for-profit institutions charge $685.
Total Cost Per Credit Hour: Public 2-Year†
Tuition $149
Books & Supplies $60
Room & Board $348
Other $151
Total Cost $708

In-state/in-district where applicable.

Additional Expenses

Including books and supplies, the cost per credit hour at any institution naturally increases. Other common expenses include room & board, and daily living expenses.

  • Books and supplies at the average 4-year postsecondary institution, public and private, cost $51 per credit hour.
  • Room & board at postsecondary institutions cost $541 per credit hour.
  • Other miscellaneous expenses cost the average  4-year postsecondary student the equivalent of $138 per credit hour.
Total Cost Per Credit Hour: Private 2-Year
Expense Nonprofit For-Profit
Tuition $834 $685
Books & Supplies $36 $59
Room & Board $548 $354
Other $112 $43
Total Cost $1,530 $1,141

Historical average cost of college per credit hour on Education Data Initiative

Historical College Costs

College and related costs have increased substantially over the last six decades even after adjusting for inflation.

  • In 1963, the average postsecondary institution charged $21.17 per credit hour or $206 per credit hour when adjusted for inflation.
  • The average cost per credit hour at a public university was $9.75 in 1963; adjusted for inflation, that’s $94.75 per credit hour.
  • Community colleges in 1963 charged $4.04 per credit hour, or $39.29 when adjusted for inflation.
  • Private 4-year institutions charged $42.17 per credit hour, or $410 when adjusted for inflation.

Historical college cost per credit hour on Education Data Initiative

Cost Per Credit Hour by State

Statistics indicate that enrolling in a public institution as a nonresident or out-of-state student may be more expensive than attending a private school.

  • Among public, 4-year institutions, Vermont schools charge the highest rates per credit hour; in-state students pay $737 while out-of-state students pay $1,746 per credit hour.
  • South Dakota’s community colleges are the most expensive for residents, charging $307 per credit hour.
  • Tennessee’s community colleges charge the most to out-of-state students at $717 per credit hour.
  • Florida public universities are the most affordable for residents at $192 per credit hour.
  • The District of Columbia charges the lowest rates to out-of-state students at $542 per credit hour.
  • California community colleges charge the lowest rates at $53 per credit hour.
  • New York charges the most for room and board at a combined $689 per credit hour.
  • Utah’s public institutions are the least expensive at the equivalent of $340 per credit hour.
  • North Dakota’s private 4-year institutions have the most affordable room and board at $330 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year institutions in the District of Columbia charge the most for room and board at $716 per credit hour.
Average Cost Per Credit Hour at Public 4-Year Colleges
Listed Most to Least Expensive In-State Tuition
State In-State Out-Of-State
Vermont $737 $1,746
New Hampshire $702 $1,335
Illinois $625 $1,223
Connecticut $623 $1,559
Pennsylvania $622 $1,101
New Jersey $619 $1,237
Virginia $595 $1,528
Rhode Island $591 $1,371
Michigan $588 $1,667
Massachusetts $584 $1,345
South Carolina $525 $1,384
Minnesota $514 $1,052
Oregon $495 $1,429
Delaware $488 $1,351
Arizona $477 $1,084
Kentucky $463 $1,055
Alabama $447 $1,131
Maine $444 $1,254
Ohio $436 $1,120
Tennessee $433 $1,016
Hawaii $432 $1,335
Missouri $414 $951
Maryland $410 $1,130
Indiana $408 $1,220
Louisiana $406 $975
Iowa $403 $1,177
Colorado $399 $1,321
North Dakota $390 $582
Kansas $384 $999
South Dakota $380 $550
Mississippi $372 $869
Wisconsin $371 $1,126
Alaska $369 $1,059
Nebraska $365 $915
Arkansas $359 $916
California $357 $1,436
New York $356 $846
West Virginia $352 $955
Oklahoma $345 $922
Texas $341 $1,059
Washington $327 $1,309
Georgia $318 $973
Idaho $312 $1,031
North Carolina $306 $977
New Mexico $305 $915
Montana $296 $1,143
Utah $296 $927
Nevada $274 $981
District of Columbia $256 $542
Wyoming $205 $611
Florida $192 $764

Cost Per Credit Hour In Alabama

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $447 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,131 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $715 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $205 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $402 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $251 and $196 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $228 and $217, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $55.50 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $63.46 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Alaska

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $369 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,059 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $828 per credit hour.
  • Information about 2-year institutions is unavailable.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $269 and $282 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $173 and $183 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $55.92 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $33.33 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Arizona

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $477 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,084 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $553 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $91 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $306 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $325 and $235 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $237 and $179, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $45.67 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $55.71 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Arkansas

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $359 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $916 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,005 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $145 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $203 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $247 and $177 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $191 and $180, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $53.21 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $55.67 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In California

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $357 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,436 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,628 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $53 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $372 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $373 and $285 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $369 and $287, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $69.79 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $72.04 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Colorado

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $399 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,321 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,116 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $139 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $397 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $286 and $276 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $344 and $240, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $58.04 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $77.29 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Connecticut

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $623 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,559 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,849 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $189 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $562 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $317 and $260 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $386 and $282, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $44.71 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $53.71 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Delaware

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $488 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,351 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $496 per credit hour.
  • Information about 2-year institutions is unavailable.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $341 and $233 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $308 and $211, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $41.83 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $66.67 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In D.C.

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $256 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $542 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,897 per credit hour.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $456 and $260, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $50.00 per credit hour at 4-year institutions.
  • Additional information regarding 2-year institutions and other expenses is unavailable.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Florida

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $192 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $764 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,234 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $104 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $380 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $271 and $195 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $317 and $247 respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $61.54 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $48.08 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Georgia

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $318 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $973 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,306 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $132 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $356 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $291 and $185 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $327 and $236, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $57.33 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $53.46 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Hawaii

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $432 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,335 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $844 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $134 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $349 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $245 and $251 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $276 and $294, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $50.25 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $41.42 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Idaho

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $312 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,031 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $280 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $139 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $343 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $210 and $198 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $129 and $256, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $49.79 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $41.67 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Illinois

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $625 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,223 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,527 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $175 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $472 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $268 and $232 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $339 and $244, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $47.29 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $62.08 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Indiana

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $408 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,220 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,532 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $193 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $372 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $246 and $226 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $282 and $263, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $55.13 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $45.42 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Iowa

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $403 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,177 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,527 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $227 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $292 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $210 and $224 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $215 and $222, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $41.88 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $62.42 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Kansas

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $384 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $999 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,131 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $148 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $198 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $227 and $198 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $208 and $215, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $41.50 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $45.63 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Kentucky

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $463 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,055 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,148 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $188 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $636 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $291 and $187 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $196 and $198, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $42.96 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $41.67 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Louisiana

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $406 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $975 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,787 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $177 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $227 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $266 and $187 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $330 and $272, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $55.38 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $51.75 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Maine

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $444 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,254 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,673 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $161 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $281 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $233 and $203 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $297 and $305, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $43.88 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $56.33 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Maryland

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $410 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,130 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,962 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $182 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $443 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $314 and $234 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $364 and $271, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $58.08 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $63.83 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Massachusetts

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $584 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,345 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $2,118 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $232 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $446 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $365 and $241 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $417 and $297, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $44.21 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $52.58 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Michigan

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $588 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,667 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,346 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $161 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $325 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $235 and $237 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $233 and $225, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $43.29 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $54.79 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Minnesota

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $514 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,052 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,449 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $241 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $263 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $261 and $183 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $259 and $221, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $43.54 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $51.21 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Mississippi

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $372 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $869 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $817 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $150 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $245 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $256 and $196 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $199 and $181, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $60.33 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $53.46 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Missouri

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $414 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $951 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,207 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $163 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $304 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $263 and $178 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $288 and $193, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $37.92 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $49.75 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Montana

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $296 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,143 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,373 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $164 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $388 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $194 and $231 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $202 and $213, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $48.21 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $45.67 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Nebraska

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $365 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $915 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,099 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $138 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $176 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $257 and $205 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $234 and $221, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $45.75 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $60.00 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Nevada

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $274 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $981 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $996 per credit hour.
  • Information about 2-year institutions is unavailable.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $242 and $246 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $289 and $302, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $49.88 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $64.50 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In New Hampshire

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $702 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,335 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $824 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $296 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $639 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $321 and $201 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $345 and $213, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $47.75 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $60.33 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In New Jersey

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $619 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,237 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,629 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $205 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $340 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $359 and $215 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $357 and $253, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $59.79 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $63.54 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In New Mexico

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $305 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $915 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,071 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $75 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $269 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $224 and $202 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $253 and $226, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $46.71 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $43.33 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In New York

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $356 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $846 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,840 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $236 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $370 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $439 and $250 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $412 and $277, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $50.67 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $54.42 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In North Carolina

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $306 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $977 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,598 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $105 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $356 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $262 and $194 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $294 and $269, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $48.71 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $59.21 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In North Dakota

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $390 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $582 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $707 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $227 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $269 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $168 and $207 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $146 and $184, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $44.25 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $42.00 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Ohio

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $436 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,120 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,506 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $187 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $337 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $297 and $249 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $276 and $244, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $49.46 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $57.08 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Oklahoma

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $345 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $922 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,257 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $179 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $392 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $211 and $190 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $208 and $207, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $47.92 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $55.54 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Oregon

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $495 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,429 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,899 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $217 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $369 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $335 and $228 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $335 and $268, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $65.50 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $66.79 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Pennsylvania

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $622 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,101 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,892 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $231 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $527 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $306 and $211 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $343 and $275, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $56.42 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $61.63 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Rhode Island

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $591 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,371 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,980 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $208 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $553 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $338 and $233 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $411 and $276, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $50.00 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $50.00 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In South Carolina

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $525 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,384 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,160 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $208 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $430 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $283 and $175 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $220 and $224, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $54.83 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $59.04 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In South Dakota

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $380 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $550 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,146 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $307 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $300 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $170 and $177 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $175 and $185, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $54.63 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $58.38 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Tennessee

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $433 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,016 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,281 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $186 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $717 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $225 and $220 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $272 and $229, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $65.71 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $51.92 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Texas

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $341 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,059 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,617 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $119 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $330 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $244 and $198 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $288 and $j230, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $46.04 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $68.38 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Utah

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $296 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $927 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $317 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $170 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $531 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $165 and $175 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $176 and $174, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $55.08 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $70.00 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Vermont

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $737 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,746 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $2,040 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $288 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $568 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $351 and $200 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $357 and $281, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $46.04 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $41.67 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Virginia

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $595 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,528 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $995 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $217 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $504 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $282 and $228 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $264 and $230, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $57.71 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $63.21 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Washington

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $327 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,309 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,702 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $197 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $351 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $296 and $282 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $293 and $249, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $45.04 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $44.29 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In West Virginia

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $352 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $955 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $505 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $189 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $420 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $247 and $235 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $200 and $222, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $48.29 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $50.13 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Wisconsin

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $371 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $1,126 per credit hour.
  • Private 4-year universities charge $1,528 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $191 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $276 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $239 and $152 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Room and board at private 4-year institutions costs the equivalent of $274 and $225, respectively.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $30.92 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $60.13 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Cost Per Credit Hour In Wyoming

  • At public 4-year institutions, in-state students pay an average of $205 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $611 per credit hour.
  • At public, 2-year institutions or community colleges, in-state students pay $170 per credit hour.
  • Out-of-state students pay $411 per credit hour to attend community college.
  • Information about private 4-year institutions is unavailable.
  • Room and board at the average public 4-year college costs the equivalent of $188 and $216 per credit hour, respectively.
  • Information about room and board costs at private 4-year institutions is unavailable.
  • Books and supplies average the equivalent of $50.00 per credit hour at 4-year institutions and $52.00 per credit hour at 2-year institutions.

Analysis: Pay Less Per Credit Hour

Most institutions only charge per credit hour up to whatever they consider a full course load to be (usually 15 credit hours per semester). In other words, once students pay for a full course load, any additional courses they may take are essentially free. As a result, some students enroll in 18 or 21 credit hours per semester. This strategy may decrease the end cost of a college education in many ways. 

In addition to “free” classes, a larger course load may accelerate the student’s academic timeline. A bachelor’s degree that usually takes four or five years to earn may be attainable in just over three years. This gives the student an additional year or two in the workforce.

A reduced cost per credit hour also reduces the amount a student may need to borrow in order to attend school. The student will not only have a smaller debt balance to begin with but a reduction in the amount of interest they will ultimately have to pay.

Unfortunately, an increased course load is more demanding, with more time spent studying and attending classes. Such a schedule leaves little time for a part-time job, extracurricular activities, or relaxation. As a result, a student’s academic performance may suffer. For these reasons and more, many schools require special dispensation to take an increased course load.

Statistics indicate that most students require four to six years to complete a bachelor’s degree. First-time full-time students take an average of less than 27 credits during their first year, but complete 76% of these credits. Overall, 49% of bachelor’s degree holders earn their degree within four years, a further 16% earn a degree within six years. Additionally, 37%-44% of college students reported symptoms of depression and/or anxiety during the academic year. It is possible that a heavy course load may be too stressful for some students, who may, as a result, have to withdraw from courses or take some courses a second time. Such setbacks may have financial consequences and may add to the student’s time in school.


  1. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Digest of Education Statistics
  2. Higher Education Dive, College Students Average Less Than 22 Credits in Their First Year, Too Few To Graduate On Time
  3. National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, Student Mental Health Worsens, But More Are Seeking Help