Average Student Loan Payment

Report Highlights. The average monthly student loan payment is an estimated $500 based on previously recorded average payments and median average salaries among college graduates.

  • The average borrower takes 20 years to repay their student loan debt.
  • 42% of borrowers are on the standard 10 year or less plan with fixed payments.
  • The average outstanding federal student loan debt per borrower is $37,853.
  • 52.6% of indebted borrowers owe $20,000 or less in federal student loans.

Related reports include Average Time to Repay Student Loans | Student Loan Debt Statistics | Average Student Loan Interest Rate | Student Loan Default Rate

Average Student Loan Payments

An appropriate monthly payment is based on multiple variables. The indebted student’s income is a significant factor in determining monthly payments. The total debt and interest rate as well as the borrower’s repayment timeline may all affect the dollar amount of their monthly payments.

  • In 2016, the average student loan payment was $393.
  • Adjusted for inflation, this is the equivalent of $502.
  • In 2005, the average student loan payment was $227; adjusted for inflation, this is equivalent to $356.
  • 20% of your gross income (GI) should go toward paying off debts based on the 50-20-30 rule of finance.
  • $502 monthly payments are equivalent to 10% of a $60,240 annual GI; $356 monthly payments are 10% of $42,720.
  • 36% of income is the maximum amount that should go toward paying off debt according to the 28/36 rule of finance.
  • $502 monthly payments are equivalent to 36% of a $16,733 annual GI; $356 monthly payments are equivalent to 36% of $11,867.
  • The average starting salary among all new graduates is $60,028.
  • 10% of the mean starting salary is $500.
  • The standard repayment plan offered by the federal government has a 10 year timeline.
  • 43% of borrowers are on the standard 10 year or less plan with fixed payments.
  • The most commonly used federal student loans have an interest rate closer to 5.50%.
  • The average outstanding federal student loan debt per borrower is $37,853.
  • 52.6% of indebted borrowers owe $20,000 or less in federal student loans.
  • 32.1% of indebted student borrowers owe $10,000 or less in federal student loans.
  • 15.0% of borrowers owe less than $5,000.
  • 20.6% of borrowers owe between $10,000 and $20,000 in student loans.
  • 18.1% owe $40,000 to $100,000.
  • 7.5% owe $100,000 or more.
  • 2.2% owe in excess of $200,000.
Average New Graduate’s Loan Payments (5.50% APR, $500 Monthly Payment)
Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$30,000 5 yrs and 11 mos $35,162
$35,000 7 yrs and 1 mo $42,303
$40,000 8 yrs and 4 mos $49,942
$45,000 9 yrs and 9 mos $58,156
$55,000 12 yrs and 10 mos $76,705
Average New Graduate’s Loan Payments (5.50% APR for 10 Years, $60,028 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Ultimate Cost
$326 6.5% $30,000 $39,069
$380 7.6% $35,000 $45,581
$434 8.7% $40,000 $52,093
$488 9.8% $45,000 $58,604
$597 11.9% $55,000 $71,627

Class of 2022 Student Loan Payments

Because student loan interest rates are at historic highs, current students may not be able to pay off their student loan debts within the recommended 10-year timeline.

  • 5.50% is the interest rate for Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized federal student loans to undergraduate borrowers.
  • $58,849 is a low-end starting salary for a new graduate with a Bachelor’s degree.
  • $86,964 is a high-end salary.
  • $77,636 is the median annual salary for a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree.
  • $23,390 is the average student debt for a federal loan borrower who graduated from a public institution with a Bachelor’s degree.
  • $26,720 is the average student debt for a federal loan borrower who graduated from a private, nonprofit institution with a Bachelor’s degree.
  • $34,740 is the average student debt for a federal loan borrower who graduated from a private, for profit institution with a Bachelor’s degree.

Undergraduate Class of 2022 Student Loan Payments

Payments on a Low-End Starting Salary (5.50% APR, $58,849 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$490 10.0% $23,390 4 yrs and 6 mos $26,457
$490 10.0% $26,720 5 yrs and 3 mos $30,817
$490 10.0% $34,740 7 yrs and 2 mos $42,108
$254 5.2% $23,390 10 yrs $30,461
$290 5.9% $26,720 10 yrs $34,798
$377 7.7% $34,740 10 yrs $45,242
Payments on an Average Starting Salary (5.50% APR, $77,636 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$647 10.0% $23,390 3 yrs and 4 mos $25,631
$647 10.0% $26,720 3 yrs and 10 mos $29,689
$647 10.0% $34,740 5 yrs and 2 months $39,969
$254 3.9% $23,390 10 yrs $30,461
$290 4.5% $26,720 10 yrs $34,798
$377 5.8% $34,740 10 yrs $45,242

Associate’s Student Loan Payments

Student borrowers with Associate’s degrees are the most likely to pay off their student loans faster than other degree holders. From a purely financial stand-point, this gives the average Associate’s degree the highest value in terms of cost-benefit ratio.

  • Just 31% of Associate’s degree holders who graduated from public institutions use student loans to pay for school.
  • 77% of attendees of private, nonprofit schools take on student loan debt.
  • 91% of attendees of private, for-profit schools take on student loan debt.
  • $55,016 is the median annual salary for an Associate’s degree holder.
  • $36,520 is the low-end average annual salary.
  • $14,890 is the average student debt for a federal loan borrower who graduated from a public institution with an associate’s degree.
  • $25,770 is the average student debt for a federal loan borrower who graduated from a private, nonprofit institution with an associate’s degree.
  • $24,090 is the average student debt for a federal loan borrower who graduated from a private, for profit institution with an associate’s degree.
Payments on a Low-End Starting Salary (5.50% APR, $36,520 GI)
Monthly Payment Average Debt Repayment Term Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$304 10.0% $14,890 4 yrs and 8 mos $16,902
$304 10.0% $25,770 9 yrs $32,700
$304 10.0% $24,090 8 yrs and 3 mos $30,002
$162 5.3% $14,890 10 yrs $19,391
$280 9.2% $25,770 10 yrs $33,561
$261 8.6% $24,090 10 yrs $31,373
Payments on an Average Starting Salary (5.50% APR, $55,016 GI)
Monthly Payment Average Debt Repayment Term Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$458 10.0% $14,890 3 yrs $16,161
$458 10.0% $25,770 5 yrs and 6 mos $29,872
$458 10.0% $24,090 5 yrs and 1 mo $27,629
$162 3.5% $14,890 10 yrs $19,391
$280 6.1% $25,770 10 yrs $33,561
$261 5.7% $24,090 10 yrs $31,373

Average Payments for Graduate Student Loans

Graduate students logically must make higher monthly payments. For some degrees, this doesn’t just mean paying a higher dollar amount; it may also mean a significant portion of a borrower’s income goes toward repaying student loan debt.

  • 7.05% is the interest rate for Direct Unsubsidized federal student loans to graduate or professional borrowers.
  • 8.05% is the interest rate for Direct PLUS loans, which go to graduate or professional borrowers as well as parents of undergraduates borrowing on their behalf.
  • 48% of graduate degree completers have student loan debt. 54% have both undergraduate and graduate student loan debt.

Master’s Student Loan Payments

Student borrowers with Master’s degrees who make an average salary are more likely  to be able to pay 10% of their salary to pay off their loans than students with other graduate degrees.

  • $58,640 is the average student debt for a borrower who graduated from a public institution with a Master’s degree.
  • $52,040 is the average student debt for a borrower who graduated from a private, nonprofit institution.
  • $76,360 is the average debt for Master’s degree holders who attended a private, for-profit institution.
  • $90,324 is the median salary for a Master’s degree holder.
  • $44,040 is the low-end salary for a Master’s degree holder.
Student Loan Payments on a Low-End Salary (7.05% APR, $44,040 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$367 10.0% $58,640 39 yrs and 9 mos $174,941
$367 10.0% $52,040 25 yrs and 6 mos $112,156
$367 10.0% $76,360 N/A N/A
$682 18.5% $58,640 10 yrs $81,885
$606 16.5% $52,040 10 yrs $72,668
$889 24.2% $76,360 10 yrs $106,629
Student Loan Payments on an Average Salary (7.05% APR, $90,324 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$753 10.0% $58,640 8 yrs and 9 mos $78,619
$753 10.0% $52,040 7 yrs and 5 mos $66,962
$753 10.0% $76,360 12 yrs and 11 mos $116,434
$682 9.1% $58,640 10 yrs $81,885
$606 8.1% $52,040 10 yrs $72,668
$889 11.8% $76,360 10 yrs $106,629

Professional & Doctorate Student Loan Payments

The average debt for a graduate from a private, nonprofit institution with a Professional degree is about the same as the average medical school debt.

  • $109,668 is the median salary for people with Doctoral degrees.
  • $57,490 is a low-end salary for Doctoral degree holders. 
  • $160,530 is the average debt for a Doctoral degree at a public institution.
  • $212,430 is the average debt for a Doctoral degree at a private, nonprofit institution.
  • $165,960 is the average debt for a Doctoral degree at a private, for-profit institution.
  • $178,800 is the average debt for Professional degree holders.
  • $114,712 is the median annual salary for someone with a Professional degree.
  • $76,530 is a low-end salary for someone with a Professional degree.
Payments on a Doctorate’s Low-End Salary (7.05% APR, $57,490 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$479 10.0% $160,530 N/A N/A
$479 10.0% $212,430 N/A N/A
$479 10.0% $165,960 N/A N/A
$1,868 39.0% $160,530 10 yrs $224,163
$2,472 51.6% $212,430 10 yrs $296,636
$1,931 40.3% $165,960 10 yrs $231,746
Payments on a Doctorate’s Average Salary (7.05% APR, $109,668 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$914 10.0% $160,530 N/A N/A
$914 10.0% $212,430 N/A N/A
$914 10.0% $165,960 N/A N/A
$1,868 20.4% $160,530 10 yrs $224,163
$2,472 27.0% $212,430 10 yrs $296,636
$1,931 21.1% $165,960 10 yrs $231,746
Payments on a Professional’s Low-End Salary (7.05% APR, $76,530 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$638 10.0% $178,800 N/A N/A
$2,081 32.6% $178,800 10 yrs $249,676
Payments on a Professional’s Average Salary (7.05% APR, $114,712 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$956 10.0% $178,800 N/A N/A
$2,081 21.8% $178,800 10 yrs $249,676

Payments for Medical School Debt

Among professional degree holders, medical and law degrees are among the most commonly sought. They are also among the most expensive.

  • $199,220 is the average student loan debt for a medical school graduate.
  • $63,400 is a first-year resident’s annual salary.
  • $239,200 is a general physician or surgeon’s salary.
  • $339,470 is an anesthesiologist’s salary.
Payments on a First-Year Resident’s Salary (7.05% APR, $63,400 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$528 10.0% $199,220 N/A N/A
$2,318 43.9% $199,220 10 yrs $278,190
Payments on a Physician’s Salary (7.05% APR, $239,200 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$1,993 10.0% $199,220 12 yrs and 9 mos $301,086
$2,318 11.6% $199,220 10 yrs $278,190
Payments on an Anesthesiologist’s Salary (7.05% APR, $339,470 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$2,829 10.0% $199,220 7 yrs and 9 mos $257,874
$2,318 8.2% $199,220 10 yrs $278,190

Payments for Law School Debt

The average law school debt is more than four times higher than the average undergraduate student debt but still only two-thirds of the average medical school debt. The average starting salary for a new law school graduate is similar to the average salary for someone with a bachelor’s degree.

  • $140,870 is the average student loan debt for a law school graduate.
  • $70,000 is the average starting salary for a law school graduate.
  • $145,300 is the average salary for an experienced attorney.
  • $186,350 is the average high-end salary for a senior attorney.
Payments on a Lawyer’s Starting Salary (7.05% APR, $70,000 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$583 10.0% $140,870 N/A N/A
$1,639 28.1% $140,870 10 years $196,710
Payments on an Experienced Lawyer’s Salary (7.05% APR, $145,300 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$1,211 10.0% $140,870 16 yrs and 5 mos $237,775
$1,639 13.5% $140,870 10 yrs $196,710
Payments on a Senior Attorney’s High-End Salary (7.05% APR, $186,350 GI)
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$1,553 10.0% $140,870 10 yrs and 10 mos $201,946
$1,639 10.6% $140,870 10 yrs $196,710

Private Student Loan Payments

Private student loans, for the most part, come from academic institutions as well as banks and credit unions. The total amount of private student loan debt is difficult to track because little of the related data is a matter of public record.

  • 3.85% is the low-end private student loan interest rate for most student borrowers.
  • 16.49% is the high-end interest rate.
  • The total amount of student loan debt for private student loans is $59.3 billion.
Private Student Loans Payments◊ at the Low-End APR (3.85%), $60,028 GI
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$500 10.0% $15,000 2 yrs and 8 mos $15,797
$500 10.0% $30,000 5 yrs and 7 mos $33,375
$500 10.0% $60,000 12 yrs and 9 mos $74,266
$603 12.1% $60,000 10 yrs $72,384
Private Student Loan Payments at a High-End APR (16.49%), $60,028 GI
Monthly Payment % of Income Average Debt Repayment Term Ultimate Cost
$500 10.0% $15,000 3 yrs and 3 mos $19,132
$500 10.0% $30,000 10 yrs and 9 mos $58,546
$500 10.0% $60,000 N/A N/A
$1,023 20.4% $60,000 10 yrs $120,565


  1. The Fed – Education Debt and Student Loans
  2. BLS, Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator
  3. CNBC, Here’s How Much The Average Student Loan Borrower Owes When They Graduate
  4. Opers, 50-20-30 Rule, Financial Wellness Calculator
  5. Investopedia, 28/36 Rule, What It Is, How to Use It, Example
  6. National Association of Colleges and Employers, Salary Survey
  7. U.S. Department of Education (ED) Office of Federal Student Aid (OFSA), Standard Repayment Plan
  8. ED OFSA, Federal Student Loan Portfolio
  9. Washington Trust Bank, Student Loan Calculator
  10. Bank Rate, Loan Calculator
  11. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Employment Projections
  12. National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics
  13. FREIDA, Specialty Guide
  14. U.S. News & World Report, Law School Benefits Versus Price
  15. Nerd Wallet, 14 Best Private Student Loans
  16. One Wisconsin Now, Twenty to Life, Higher Education Turning Into Multi-Decade Debt Sentence
  17. Enterval Private Student Loan Report