Scholarship Statistics

Report Highlights. Over 1.8 million scholarships from private sources are awarded annually.

  • However, only 11% of college students will receive a scholarship.
  • Including government sources, over $100 billion in grant and scholarship money is awarded annually.
  • The average scholarship award for public 2-year institutions is worth $4,100.
  • On average, first-time undergraduates who receive government grants and scholarships at a 4-year college receive about $15,750 annually.

Related reports include Financial Aid Statistics | College Savings Statistics | How Do People Pay for College? | Average Student Loan Interest Rate | Student Loan Debt Statistics

Scholarship Statistics for Public vs Private 4-year Colleges

The terms grant and scholarship are used in close conjunction – almost interchangeably – in the data below. Government sources have occasionally referred to grants as needs-based scholarships.

  • On average, a student who receives a scholarship or grant at a private non-profit 4-year college will receive $18,670 more than a student in a public 4-year college.
  • The disparity in money awarded between public and private colleges is greatest among those families with the highest incomes.
  • The graph below uses the combined averages of non-profit private colleges and for-profit private colleges.

Private Scholarships

Private sources award over $8.2 billion in scholarship money annually. In 2003, private sources awarded an estimated $3.3 billion in scholarship money. In 21 years, total private scholarship awards grew by $4.9 billion.

  • The Miss America Foundation awards up to $10,000 maximum per individual.
  • The United Negro College Fund provides funds for over 400 different scholarships.
  • The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation’s biggest scholarship award is worth $20,000.
  • In 2023, the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) awarded 328 scholarships. Those scholarships amounted to $1,500,000.
  • In 2003, the average value of an undergraduate private scholarship was $1,982.
  • In 2003, 73% of private financial aid went to dependent students.
  • Meanwhile, 27% of private financial aid went to independent students.

Public Scholarships

Grants are typically awarded based on student needs. Other public scholarships may include athletic-based awards, program major-specific awards, state residency-based scholarships, and college-specific scholarships.

  • Including government sources, over $100 billion in grant and scholarship money is awarded annually.
  • Most Pell Grants are awarded to students from families with an income between $20,000 and $60,000.
  • The average Pell Grant award for undergraduates is $4,255.
  • The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) requires schools that participate in the program to contribute 25% of the aid awarded.
  • The FSEOG awards between $100 to $4,000 in scholarship aid money.
  • In 2020, the total amount of federal grant money awarded was $36.4 billion.
  • In 2022, $3.6 billion in Pell Grant money went unclaimed because 41% of high school students did not complete a FAFSA.

Need-Based Scholarships by Race

The most federal grant money per student went to Asian students in 2020. The statistics below use public data from 2020, the most recent available. The statistics below only include undergraduate students.

  • The majority of White students who received federal grant money received $9,300.
  • The majority of Black students who received federal grant money also received $8,300 in aid.
  • Hispanic students who were awarded federal grant money received an average of $8,500.
  • Asian students who were awarded federal grant money received $13,000 on average.
  • For American Indians and Alaskan Natives, the majority that did receive federal grant money received an average of $8,900.
  • For Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, the majority that did receive federal grant money received anywhere $6,200 on average.
  • Finally, for students in the two or more races category, those that did receive federal grant money received an average of $9,800.

Athletic Scholarships

Athletic Scholarships are divided based on Division rankings. There are no scholarships for Division III athletes, but other forms of financial aid are available. The award amount also varies by gender.

  • Athletic scholarships are offered to less than 2% of high school student-athletes planning to attend college.
  • Yet, fewer than 180,000 students receive an athletic scholarship annually.
  • Division I and Division II scholarships amount to roughly $2.7 billion annually.
  • There are 177,559 athletic-based scholarships.
  • In the table below, certain sports had scholarships for only one gender.
Average Athletic Scholarship Award By Sport and Gender
Sport Average Scholarship Award Amount (Male) Average Scholarship Award Amount (Female)
Baseball $13,220
Basketball $38,246 $36,758
Football — FBS $36,070
Football — FCS $20,706
Golf $12,066 $21,866
Gymnastics $18,191 $40,172
Ice Hockey $31,756 $41,693
Lacrosse $12,303 $12,884
Skiing $20,275 $19,084
Soccer $15,008 $17,766
Swimming & Diving $16,695 $18,794
Tennis $18,379 $32,630
Track & Field $11,260 $14,574
Wrestling $12,551
Equestrian $10,462
Field Hockey $18,331
Rowing $21,053
Softball $20,715
Volleyball $31,138



States-Affiliated Scholarship Programs
State Authority/Institution Scholarship Program
State Authority/Institution Alabama Commission on Higher Education Scholarship Program Minority Doctoral Scholarship Program Link
State Authority/Institution Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Scholarship Program Alaska Performance Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Arkansas Department of Higher Education Scholarship Program Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship Link Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship Link Law Enforcement Officers’ Dependents Scholarship (LEO) Link Military Dependents Scholarship (MDS) Link Arkansas Workforce Challenge Link Arkansas Concurrent Challenge Link Washington Center Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution California Student Aid Commission Scholarship Program Middle-Class Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Colorado Department of Higher Education Scholarship Program Colorado Second Chance Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Connecticut Office of Higher Education Scholarship Program Roberta B. Willis Need-Merit Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Delaware Higher Education Office Scholarship Program Bradford Barnes Memorial Scholarship Link Herman M. Holloway, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Link Diamond State Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Florida State Board of Education Scholarship Program Benacquisto Scholarship Link Florida Bright Futures Scholarships Link Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship Link Florida Farmworker Student Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Georgia Student Finance Commission Scholarship Program HOPE Scholarship Link
Zell Miller Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Hawaii Community Foundation Scholarship Program Hawaii Community Foundation Scholarship Link
Fukunaga Scholarship Foundation Link
R.W. “Bob” Holden Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Idaho State Board of Education Scholarship Program Idaho Opportunity Scholarship Link
Idaho Opportunity Scholarship for Adult Learners Link
Tschudy Family Scholarship Link
GEAR UP Idaho Scholarship Link
Idaho Postsecondary Credit Scholarship Link
Idaho Governor’s Cup Scholarship Link
Armed Forces/Public Safety Officer Dependent Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Illinois Student Assistance Commission Scholarship Program Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Link
Minority Teachers of Illinois Scholarship Link
Nursing Education Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Indiana Commission for Higher Education Scholarship Program Mitch Daniels Early Graduation Scholarship Link
Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship Link
William A. Crawford Minority Teacher Scholarship Link
21st Century Scholar Link
State Authority/Institution Iowa College Aid Scholarship Program All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Link
Robert D. Blue Scholarship Link
Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarship Link
Iowa National Guard Service Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Kansas Board of Regents Scholarship Program Kansas State Scholarship, Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship, Kansas Ethnic Minority Scholarship, Kansas Military Service Scholarship, Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance, Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship, Kansas ROTC Service Scholarship, Kansas Promise Act Scholarship, Kansas Osteopathic Medical Service Scholarship, Kansas Optometry Service Scholarship, Kansas Nurse Educator Service Scholarship, Kansas Dental Education Opportunities Program, Kansas Distinguished Scholarship Program Link
State Authority/Institution Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority Scholarship Program Early Childhood Development Scholarship Link
Teacher Scholarship Program Link
Dual Credit Scholarship Program Link
Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship Link
Optometry Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority Scholarship Program Early Childhood Development Scholarship Link
Teacher Scholarship Program Link
Dual Credit Scholarship Program Link
Osteopathic Medicine Scholarship Link
Optometry Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance Scholarship Program Taylor Opportunity Program for Students Link
Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Finance Authority of Maine Scholarship Program Doctors for Maine’s Future Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Maryland Higher Education Commission Scholarship Program State Delegate Scholarship Link
Senatorial Scholarship Link
Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship Program Link
Hal and Jo Cohen Graduate Nursing Faculty Scholarship Link
2+2 Transfer Scholarship Link
Community College Promise Scholarship Link
Richard W. Collins III Leadership with Honor Scholarship Link
Teaching Fellow for Maryland Scholarship Link
Cybersecurity Public Service Scholarship Link
Edward T. and Mary A. Conroy Memorial Scholarship Program & Jean B. Cryor Memorial Scholarship Program Link
Veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts (VAIC) Scholarship Link
Graduate and Professional Scholarship Program Link
State Authority/Institution Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Scholarship Program Christian A. Herter Memorial Scholarship Link
Agnes M. Lindsay Scholarship Link
Paul Tsongas Scholarship Link
Massachusetts High Demand Scholarship Link
John and Abigail Adams Scholarship Link
One Family Scholarship Link
Early Childhood Educators Scholarship Link
Moving to College Link
State Authority/Institution Michigan Scholarship Program Fostering Futures Scholarship Link
Michigan Competitive Scholarship Link
Michigan GEAR UP Scholarship Link
Michigan Reconnect Scholarship Program Link
State Authority/Institution Minnesota Office of Higher Education Scholarship Program Minnesota Academic Excellence Scholarship Link
Minnesota Indian Scholarship Link
Minnesota Educational Assistance for War Orphans Link
State Authority/Institution Mississippi Office of Student Financial Aid Scholarship Program Nissan Scholarship Link
Mississippi Law Enforcement Officers & Firemen Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development Scholarship Program A+ Scholarship Link
Bright Flight Program Link
Minority and Underrepresented Environmental Literacy Program Link
Kids’ Chance Scholarship Link
Dual Credit/Dual Enrollment Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Montana Office of Public Instruction, Montana University System, Reach Higher Montana Scholarship Program United States Senate Youth Program Scholarship, Washington Week Program and College Scholarship Link
Montana University System Honor Scholarship Link
2 + 2 Honor Scholarship Link
Montana’s STEM & Healthcare Scholarship Link
Reach Higher Montana Scholarships Link
State Authority/Institution Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education Scholarship Program Access College Early (ACE) Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Nevada System of Higher Education Scholarship Program Nevada Promise Scholarship Link
Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution New Hampshire Department of Education, State Treasury, Commission of Higher Education Scholarship Program Higher Education Scholarships for Orphans of Veterans Link
Governor’s Scholarship Program Link
UNIQUE Scholarships Link
State Authority/Institution State of New Jersey, Higher Education Student Assistance Authority Scholarship Program Governor’s Industry Vocations Scholarship for Women & Minorities Link
Governor’s Urban Scholarship Link
New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Reward Scholarship (STARS) Link
World Trade Center Scholarship Link
NJBEST Scholarship Link
New Jersey Survivor Tuition Benefits Program & Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution New Mexico Higher Education Department Scholarship Program New Mexico Legislative Lottery Scholarship Link
New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship Link
New Mexico Scholars Link
Competitive Scholarship Link
Graduate Scholarship Link
Athletic Scholarship Link
Fire Fighters & Peace Officers Survivors Scholarship Link
Teacher Preparation Affordability Scholarship Program Link
Grow Your Own Teachers Link
Wartime & Vietnam Veterans Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution New York State Higher Education Services Corporation Scholarship Program NYS Scholarships for Academic Excellence Link
NYS Math & Science Teaching Incentive Program Link
NYS Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Incentive Program Link
New York State Achievement and Investment in Merit Scholarship Link
Enhanced Tuition Awards Link
NYS Part-time Scholarship Link
NYS Child Welfare Worker Incentive Scholarship Link
Excelsior Scholarship Link
NYS Masters-in-Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship Link
Senator Patricia K. McGee Nursing Faculty Scholarship Link
Military Enhanced Recognition Incentive and Tribute (MERIT) Scholarship Link
World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship Link
Flight 3407 Memorial Scholarship Link
Flight 587 Memorial Scholarship Link
NYS Memorial Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution College Foundation of North Carolina Scholarship Program NC Education Lottery Scholarship Link
NC Need-Based Scholarship Link
UNC Campus Scholarships Link
State Authority/Institution North Dakota University System Scholarship Program ND Native American Scholarship Link
ND Scholars Link
ND Academic Scholarship, ND Career & Technical Education (CTE) Scholarship, ND Scholarship Link
Dual-Credit Tuition Scholarship Link
ND Career Builders Link
State Authority/Institution Ohio Department of Higher Education, Ohio National Guard Scholarship Program Ohio War Orphan & Severely Disabled Veterans’ Children Scholarship Link
Ohio National Guard Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Scholarship Program Oklahoma’s Promise Link
Academic Scholars Link
Regional University Baccalaureate Scholarship Link
Future Teachers Scholarship Link
George and Donna Nigh Public Service Scholarship Link
Heroes Promise Link
Scholars for Excellence in Child Care Link
State Authority/Institution Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion Scholarship Program Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion Scholarships (one application for 500+ scholarship programs) Link
State Authority/Institution Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Authority Scholarship Program PA Ready to Succeed Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution South Carolina Commission on Higher Education Scholarship Program Palmetto Fellows Scholarship Link
Legislative Incentive for Future Excellence (LIFE) Scholarship Link
SC HOPE Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution South Dakota Board of Regents Scholarship Program Dakota Corps Scholarship Link
Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship Link
Jump Start Scholarship Link
South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship Link
Annis I. Fowler/Kaden Scholarship (in Elementary Education) Link
Marlin R. Scarborough Memorial Scholarship Link
Ardell Bjugstad Scholarship for Native American High School Seniors Link
Build Dakota Scholarship Fund Link
State Authority/Institution Tennessee Higher Education Commission & Student Assistance Corporation Scholarship Program Tennessee HOPE Scholarship Link
Aspire Award Link
General Assembly Merit Scholarship Link
Tennessee HOPE Scholarship – Nontraditional Link
Ned McWherter Scholars Link
Tennessee Promise Scholarship Link
Dependent Children Scholarship Link
Tennessee STEP UP Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Texas Scholarship Program Good Neighbor Scholarship Link
Texas Armed Services Scholarship Link
Fifth-Year Accounting Student Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Utah System of Higher Education Scholarship Program Opportunity Scholarship Link
Utah Promise Scholarship & T. H. Bell Education Scholarship (for future educators) Link
Career and Technical Education Scholarships Link
State Authority/Institution Vermont Student Assistance Corporation Scholarship Program VSAC-Assisted Scholarships Link
State Authority/Institution State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Scholarship Program Granville P. Meade Scholarship Link
Brown v. Board of Education Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Washington Student Achievement Council Scholarship Program College Bound Scholarship Link
American Indian Endowed Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Scholarship Program West Virginia Promise Scholarship Link
West Virginia Engineering, Science, & Technology Scholarship Link
Underwood-Smith Teaching Scholars Link
West Virginia Nursing Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution State of Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board Scholarship Program Academic Excellence Scholarship Link
Technical Excellence Scholarship Link
State Authority/Institution Wyoming Department of Education Scholarship Program Douvas Memorial Scholarship Link
Hathaway Scholarship Link


  1. National College Attainment Network, NCAN Report: In 2022, High School Seniors Left $3.58 Billion on the Table in Pell Grants
  2. Society of Women Engineers
  3. Federal Pell Grant Program, End of Year Report 
  4. Code of Federal Regulations, Part 676: Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program
  5. Institute for Higher Education Policy, Private Scholarships Count 
  6. Next College Student Athlete (NCSA), Athletic Scholarships: Everything You Need to Know 
  7. The Best Colleges, The 10 Biggest Scholarships in the World 
  8. Miss America Foundation, Scholarships
  9. US Department of Education, 2019–20 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study
  10. Athletic Scholarship Averages for NCAA I Teams by Sport
  11. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Digest of Education Statistics